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BF2 Managers [by CoDC]

Posted: 10 Aug 2005, 12:56
by [DR] M@ck [NL]

:!: NEW :!:

Client File 1.0.2048 ...

Admin Script [Deamon] Voor op de Server ...

Mod Manager Files v1.0 [Voor Server, is inbegrepen bij Admin Script [Deamon]] ...

\----------------------OLD FILE'S------------------------/

Client File 1.0.2020 ...

Admin Script (voor in de map /admin/) ...

BF2CC Deamon File 1.0.2020 (voor op de server) ...

BF2CC Deamon File 1.0.2021 (Crash FIX) ...

BF2RA v0.2

Posted: 10 Aug 2005, 12:56
by [DR] M@ck [NL]
:!: NEW :!: BF2RA v0.3


New features for v0.3

* Custom warn/kick/ban messages
* Option to use Punkbuster for kicking so reason can be displayed
* Choice of orange or green server messages
* Ability to view/change server settings
* Save multiple server settings profiles
* Take Punkbuster screenshots
* Multiple connection history
* Resizable Window





BF2RA v0.2


Dit programma werkt via de R-Con.

BF2RA is a tool to manage your Battlefield 2 server from outside the game. BF2RA requires no software or scripts to be installed on the server and only requires the remote console to be enabled. This means you don't have to remember long console commands and you can make space for yourself on the server from outside the game.

BF2RA has the following features:

* Kick/ban players
* Listmaps
* Add/remove maps from the map rotation
* Run next map / restart map
* Pause game
* Global server announcements or to individual teams
* View / clear ban list
* Add / remove key hashes to bans list
* Issue remote console commands
* Auto Announcements for server messages/rules
* Support to start/stop battlefield recorder
* Option to ban for round or permanently
* Tabed GUI

BF2Rcon Web Interfase

Posted: 10 Aug 2005, 12:57
by [DR] M@ck [NL]
BF2Recon Web interfase v0.5


Download: ...

BF2Rcon Web interfase is een klein PHP scriptje dat je op je Website kunt zetten en/of intergreren. Je kunt via de het scriptje inloggen, maps veranderen, players kicken enz. Er handig en overal te gebruiken.

Kijk voor een demo:

Battlefield 2 Remote Server Manager 1.06

Posted: 10 Aug 2005, 17:52
by [DR] M@ck [NL]
Battlefield 2 Remote Server Manager 1.06


1. Multiple Server Profiles
2. Change Map, Run Next Map, Set Next Map, Restart Map functions
3. Kick players with Rick Click option of displaying ingame message
4. Ban players IP or Key with Right Click option of displaying ingame message
5. Set Duration of Bans (Permanent, 1 Round or amount of time in seconds)
6. Individual Player Tables for Allied and Axis players
7. Detailed player info window to show all the info about a player if needed
8. Shows banned Addresses and banned Keys with the ability to manipulate them
9. Clear the ban lists or add in your own IP or Key
10. Console for sending rcon commands directly to the server
11. Save the BanList to file from the Options window
12. Load the banlist from the saved file and upload to the server (bug in BF2 server that loses the ban list after a while for no reason)
13. Can toggle on or off the automatic update of player information
14. Supports ModManager Admin scripts being developed by Multiplay UK
15. Switch bwteen ModManager commands (added functionalty) and Gamespy querying methods
16. In game chat console window to chat to players in game and see what they are saying (Requires ModManager)
17. Allows manipulation of Server settings saved in serversettings.con (semi-permanent, remembers between map changes, but not if server crashes)
18. Move players from one team to the other (Requires ModManager)
19. Add Maps to the current rotation
20. remove maps from the current rotation
21. Will connect to either Linux or Windows servers (BF2 Linux server has a major Rcon bug that causes rcon to crash occasionally, should be fixed in BF 1.03 patch)




Posted: 10 Aug 2005, 21:47
by [DR] Switch [NL]
Nice :!: :D

Posted: 10 Aug 2005, 22:59
by [DR] -=TFD=- [NL]
Als onze eigen server werkt zal ik ook weer eens met de manager gaan spelen :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Posted: 10 Aug 2005, 23:24
by [DR] Smirnoff***Ice [NL]
op de nieuwe server komt geen manager mag niet namenlijk

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 00:06
by [DR] -=TFD=- [NL]
Ow lekker is dat... dus via console mapchange en kicks? Balen :(

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 16:24
by [DR] Smirnoff***Ice [NL]
via een webconsole

dus gewoon een website kan je dat doen

vanaf 1.3 hopen ze dat ranked servers het ook ondersteunen

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 17:33
by [DR] Bartjuh [NL]
Nah dan hoop ik wel dat die 1.3 snel komt dan..

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 17:39
by [DR] M@ck [NL]
Dit zijn bijna allemaal R-Con managers, en ik dat kan d8 ik wel met Ranked servers.

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 18:14
by [DR] Smirnoff***Ice [NL]
je kan niet met ftp op de gameserver komen dus je kan alleen gebruikmaken van programma's die geen instal nodig hebben

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 18:21
by [DR] M@ck [NL]
Geen enkele R-Con manager hoeft iets te installeren. Alleen de Deamon versie van BF2CC, Alle andere managers, en de R-Con optie van BF2CC zijn te gebruiken met Ranked Servers.

Posted: 22 Aug 2005, 08:29
by [DR] M@ck [NL]
:idea: Updated: :idea:

:!: NEW :!: BF2RA v0.3


New features for v0.3

* Custom warn/kick/ban messages
* Option to use Punkbuster for kicking so reason can be displayed
* Choice of orange or green server messages
* Ability to view/change server settings
* Save multiple server settings profiles
* Take Punkbuster screenshots
* Multiple connection history
* Resizable Window




Posted: 22 Aug 2005, 10:57
by [DR] Younger [NL]
Werkt deze wel :?: Want tot nu toe kreeg ik geen 1 remote manager aan het werk :?