Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Closed Beta Voor Clans
Posted: 23 Mar 2007, 15:52
Is hier animo voor?
Bron:Clans kunnen Quake Wars testen
Gepost door TheMagic op donderdag 22-03-2007 12:26 Bron: IGN. Reageer op dit item
Als je in een clan zit kun je meedoen aan de beta test voor Quake Wars.
hanks to Larry "2112" Akins for the word that id Software is now accepting applications to beta test Quake Wars from active FPS clans.
idSoftware is now accepting applications from active clans for entry into the Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Multiplayer Closed Beta. If your team is interested in helping us improve our product, please send an email to etqwbetatest@activision.com with all of the required information shown below. Thank you and good luck!
1. Clan name
2. Number of 'active' members
3. Games played regularly
4. Games played competitively
5. Clan website
6. Clan IM details
7. Clan email
Mailen dus naar: etqwbetatest@activision.com