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Posted: 18 Jun 2007, 13:00
by [DR] Switch [NL]
ET:QW public beta details
by: Yui
The folks of Enemy Territory have announced a public beta that is to be released in the near future.

After the closed beta testing, the developers have decided to open a public beta for Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. They want to give more people the ability to give feedback about the game so far. They want to see how the game behaves under different combinations of hardware and they want to get a better idea of how the game plays for the general gaming pubic.

The public beta will consist out of a single map named "Sewer" which is part of ET:QW's pacific campaign. The map revolves around a Strogg base in Japan. It's hidden, as the name suggests, a sewer. 'It’s an interesting mix of outdoor and indoor, vehicle and infantry combat, deployables and counter-deployables and good old-fashioned FPS combat' says badman, writer of the Dev Blog.

The beta is not the demo, so don't expect a finished game. It is purely an opportunity to gain feedback from a large group of users while testing stability and performance on different sorts of hardware combinations. The beta will also collect information on your hardware configuration.

There are a total of 60.000 slots, when the beta opens participants will be sent their unique license code which is required for play. FilePlanet will distribute the license codes along with the beta clients. A fixed number of slots have been set aside for FilePlanet subscribers. The rest of the slots will go to people with free FilePlanet accounts, you don't have to pay anyone to participate in the beta.

More information about the ET:QW beta and the official start date will be announced in a few days.


Over een paar dagen dus detail-informatie over deze BETA. Er zijn 'slechts' 60.000 plekken, dus er optijd bij zijn! :)

Ik ben vooralsnog benieuwd.

Voorproefje op deze map "Sewer":


A. Construct the GDF Base Guard Tower
B. Construct the Hill-Top Guard Tower
C. Capture the Hill-Top Spawn Point
D. Destroy the Substation Barricade to open alternate route
E. Capture the Spillway Spawn Point
F. Destroy the Overflow Hatch to open alternate route
G. Destroy the Maintenance Hatch to open alternate route

Posted: 18 Jun 2007, 13:31
by [DR] Hypnotoad [NL]
vette poep man!! Even kijken of ik wellicht via mn werk een key kan bemachtigen maar zal wel lastig worden :(

Posted: 18 Jun 2007, 14:41
by [DR] Enfy [NL]
ja spelen vanaf de beta geeft voordelen.

Posted: 18 Jun 2007, 14:44
by [DR] MasterX [NL]
Ik was er al van bewust, hopen dat ik snel genoeg ben :D

Posted: 18 Jun 2007, 14:47
by [DR] M@ck [NL]
Hij lijkt mij ook wel erg vet!

Posted: 18 Jun 2007, 18:03
by [DR] Patchy [NL]
gelukkig heb ik nog een fileplanet account (gratis account) dus hopen maar.. lol

Posted: 18 Jun 2007, 22:44
by [DR] Catchid [NL]
hehe, het spel waar men al zolang op wacht!

ben egt wel beniewd hoe het er allemaal uitziet!! en hoe het speelt natuurlijk

Posted: 18 Jun 2007, 22:51
by [DR] jespertje [NL]
Voor die beta ga ik me niet inschrijven, moet je net op dat moment er zijn, want na 1 min is alles al weg denk ik, ik wacht gewoon op de demo.

Posted: 20 Jun 2007, 10:46
by [DR] Hypnotoad [NL]
linkje naar topic van de sas clan (heb daar volgens mij nog wel eens tegen gespeeld met mn oude clan) veel ingame screens ... php?t=8144

Posted: 20 Jun 2007, 10:55
by [DR] jespertje [NL]
Ziet er geinig uit :)

Posted: 20 Jun 2007, 11:29
by [DR] Switch [NL]
Opletten geblazen :!:

"If the sneak peek goes well and no catastrophic issues crop up, we will move on to the actual key distribution phase. This is going to last several days and on each day we will make available a number of beta slots through the aforementioned ETQW sub-site on FilePlanet. During the first three days of this process, keys will be available to FilePlanet subscribers only. This will be followed by two days of keys for anyone with a free FilePlanet account.

The best part, and I've been waiting five paragraphs to say this, is that Day 1 of key distribution is currently scheduled for the middle of this week. That's right, the first batch of keys for the Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars Public Beta will go out in just a few days! FilePlanet's ETQW sub-site will be going up that same day."

Dus eind deze week / begin volgende week (zondag / maandag?) kunnen wij free-loaders een key bemachtigen :)

Er komt een speciale beta-key aanvraag pagina op

Stay Tuned 8)

Posted: 20 Jun 2007, 15:18
by [DR] Enfy [NL]
Hij kan al worden gedowned iig, echter moeten we nog even wachten op een crack. Hierna kan de hele clan hem downen en kunnen we spelen over HAMATCHI ! :D

Zie FTP: prive.

Posted: 20 Jun 2007, 15:41
by [DR] Hypnotoad [NL]
[DR] Enfy [NL] wrote:Hij kan al worden gedowned iig, echter moeten we nog even wachten op een crack. Hierna kan de hele clan hem downen en kunnen we spelen over HAMATCHI ! :D

Via torrent al te downen. ... _Wars_BETA
GAAF!!! ff wachten op een crack dan idd

Posted: 21 Jun 2007, 01:08
by [DR] Bananenbaas [NL]
Kreeg net dit mailtje van I3D :) Leuk joh
QuakeWars Open beta has officially been launched on FilePlanet. This means the party starts now! is one of the lucky sites with a limited number of free keys for grab. We have two contests on our website

-Simply tell us "I want to play Quake wars"
-Show us your creativity and make a wallpaper, post it on the forums.

More information on

More information on the forums: ... -wars.html

Posted: 21 Jun 2007, 10:26
by [DR] Supernova [NL]
Kreeg die ook, maar ik wil het gewoon hebben, en er niets tot erg weinig te moeten doen om het te krijgen :P