Call of Duty 5 (demo)
Posted: 12 Oct 2008, 05:13
Josh Olin, de Community Manager van Treyarch, heeft op het officiele Call of Duty forum meer laten weten over de PC beta van Call of Duty: World at War. In de loop van volgende week zal er meer info over de beta - zoals hoe en wanneer - gepubliceerd worden. De beta zal dus niet vandaag of morgen komen.
De reden hiervoor is dat men momenteel nog veel aandacht moet besteden aan het verloop van de Xbox360 beta omdat er meer mensen zijn die dit platform bespelen. Dat betekent echter niet dat men de PC community vergeet, integendeel: volgens JD heeft de ontwikkelaar juist veel moois in petto voor de PC gamers.
We've been focusing on this 360 BETA right now. Look, my logic is simple; there are more CoD gamers on the 360 than on the PC. That's not opinion, it's fact. As entertainers, we want to entertain as MANY people as we possibly can. So the 360 came first, you're absolutely right.
Does this mean we don't care about the PC? Hell no! I am a PC gamer, and always will be. So is our Associate Producer, Multiplayer Design Director, PC Director, and the entire team of engineers on the PC team. Now that the 360 BETA is out and in the wild, we'll have a little more time tweaking some things and ironing out the wrinkles. But you can bet that the bulk of the news coming out from now on will be about the PC BETA. Now it's your turn.
When is the PC BETA you ask?
So what was my M.O. with the 360 guys? You were all spectators, you should know what's coming already... The PC BETA will be released.... come on, all together now... SOON! =)
More info on how it will be released, when it will be released, etc will be made available next week.
You have no idea what we've got in store for the PC folks. a month from now let's revisit this topic so I can do my round of "I told you so's" . Don't say we've shunned the PC community until you've seen what we've done for it.
I can say this, and call me a tease if you want, but when you see what we're doing in the way of mapping, modding, new PC features, servers, and general PC support, then you can go ahead and pass judgment on how we've treated the PC fans. But just because we do not have any news to tell just yet doesn't mean we hate PC gamers or put them on the back burner. It means we simply don't have anything to tell just yet.
Dit betekent dus dat we nog even geduld moeten hebben en dat we de komende dagen nog maar moeten genieten van nieuwe screenshots en filmpjes van de Xbox360 beta testers.
De reden hiervoor is dat men momenteel nog veel aandacht moet besteden aan het verloop van de Xbox360 beta omdat er meer mensen zijn die dit platform bespelen. Dat betekent echter niet dat men de PC community vergeet, integendeel: volgens JD heeft de ontwikkelaar juist veel moois in petto voor de PC gamers.
We've been focusing on this 360 BETA right now. Look, my logic is simple; there are more CoD gamers on the 360 than on the PC. That's not opinion, it's fact. As entertainers, we want to entertain as MANY people as we possibly can. So the 360 came first, you're absolutely right.
Does this mean we don't care about the PC? Hell no! I am a PC gamer, and always will be. So is our Associate Producer, Multiplayer Design Director, PC Director, and the entire team of engineers on the PC team. Now that the 360 BETA is out and in the wild, we'll have a little more time tweaking some things and ironing out the wrinkles. But you can bet that the bulk of the news coming out from now on will be about the PC BETA. Now it's your turn.
When is the PC BETA you ask?
So what was my M.O. with the 360 guys? You were all spectators, you should know what's coming already... The PC BETA will be released.... come on, all together now... SOON! =)
More info on how it will be released, when it will be released, etc will be made available next week.
You have no idea what we've got in store for the PC folks. a month from now let's revisit this topic so I can do my round of "I told you so's" . Don't say we've shunned the PC community until you've seen what we've done for it.
I can say this, and call me a tease if you want, but when you see what we're doing in the way of mapping, modding, new PC features, servers, and general PC support, then you can go ahead and pass judgment on how we've treated the PC fans. But just because we do not have any news to tell just yet doesn't mean we hate PC gamers or put them on the back burner. It means we simply don't have anything to tell just yet.
Dit betekent dus dat we nog even geduld moeten hebben en dat we de komende dagen nog maar moeten genieten van nieuwe screenshots en filmpjes van de Xbox360 beta testers.