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BFBC 2 i7 920 Performance overview @ TechSpot

Posted: 19 Apr 2010, 20:54
by [DR] M@ck [NL]
Found a nice link to an article on techspot with an overview comparing the low/medium/high graphic settings of BC2 together with the performance with an overclocked i7 920 @ 3.7Ghz with various current AMD and NVidia videocards..

It's a very nice read and if you able to read the different graphs that are posted, you can draw your own conclusion. Techspot has one for themselfs : Although BC2 makes use of all of the cores of i7 920 the utilization of those cores don't mean it's really needed to have a quadcore processor. Even a high end Dualcore C2D E8xxx or Phenom X2 can be enough to stil the hunger of a high end graphicscard (5870) with this game.

Go read the full article here :



Re: BFBC 2 i7 920 Performance overview @ TechSpot

Posted: 20 Apr 2010, 01:12
by [DR] Enfy [NL]
ATI rulez! :D

Re: BFBC 2 i7 920 Performance overview @ TechSpot

Posted: 20 Apr 2010, 11:46
by [DR] Patchy [NL]
mijn 8800GTS ook :P

Re: BFBC 2 i7 920 Performance overview @ TechSpot

Posted: 20 Apr 2010, 12:11
by [DR] M@ck [NL]
Lul niet :P

Re: BFBC 2 i7 920 Performance overview @ TechSpot

Posted: 26 Apr 2010, 21:36
by [DR] Bananenbaas [NL]
Zelfs mijn iMac stopt jou PC :P

Re: BFBC 2 i7 920 Performance overview @ TechSpot

Posted: 26 Apr 2010, 21:42
by [DR] Dash64 [NL]
Ik zit met mijn GTX260 letterlijk in het midden lol