Gun game zit in bf3

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[DR] Supernova [NL]
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Gun game zit in bf3

Post by [DR] Supernova [NL] »

Wist ik veel! In Close Kwartjes zit een mode die je misschien kent van counterstrike of Cod; gun game. Je begint met een pistool en eindigt (in dit geval) met een mes. In BF3 heet dit Gun Master.

Ik geniet (nog meer en weer) van BF3

[DR] M@ck [NL]
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Re: Gun game zit in bf3

Post by [DR] M@ck [NL] »

Ow dat wist ik ook niet, dat is wel vet. Dat ken ik nog wel van vroeger (in CS).

Nice, ik heb de uitbreidingen verder niet maar zit er wel steeds meer aan te denken.
[DR] M@ck [NL]
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[DR] M@ck [NL]
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Re: Gun game zit in bf3

Post by [DR] M@ck [NL] »

The default weapon list takes players through ten of the eleven new firearms (leaving out the M5K). Two kills are required to reach the next level until Level 16, which only requires one kill each for the M320 LVG and the knife.

1. MP443
2. 93R
3. .44 Magnum
4. PP19 with Suppressor
5. P90 with Reflex
6. SPAS-12 with Buckshot
7. MK3A1 with Frags
8. ACW-R with Reflex and Laser sight
9. MTAR-21 with Holographic, Foregrip and Laser sight
10. AUG A3 with Reflex, Foregrip and Laser sight
11. SCAR-L with Holographic, Foregrip and Laser sight
12. LSAT with M145, Foregrip and Laser sight
13. L86A2 with ACOG, Foregrip and Heavy barrel
14. M417 with ACOG, Foregrip and Flash suppressor
15. JNG-90 with ACOG and Laser sight
16. M320 LVG
17. Knife

[DR] M@ck [NL]
Clanleader of Desert Rabbits

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