Battlefield 3 komt in juni met een close combat mappack

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Battlefield 3 komt in juni met een close combat mappack

Post by [DR] Supernova [NL] »

En later ook meer informatie over Battlefield 3™: Armored Kill and Battlefield 3™: End Game; twee andere expansions. ... e-quarters

Battlefield 3: Close Quarters is a themed expansion pack bringing the team play of Battlefield 3 to tight indoor environments. The frantic close quarters infantry combat is amplified by unprecedented high definition destruction, new ways to play, more weapons and added persistence.

Key Features

Get plunged into frantic and relentless infantry combat
Check your corners as death can come from any angle
HD destruction lets you reduce entire locales to ruin
Earn new weapons and bring them back to the base game
Complete new assignments and equip unique dog tags
Play in new ways, mixing team play and instant action

Publisher: Electronic Arts
Formats:Playstation 3, PC, Xbox 360
Release: June 2012
Players: 2-16
Rating: M+ / ESRB 16

The HD Destruction in Close Quarters lets players riddle the environment with bullets, reducing entire locales to ruin. Everything from furniture to plaster can be shot to pieces, and players can see the result of the mayhem as rubble and broken pieces pile up on the floor.

The tight level design and many opportunities for vertical gameplay mean players will need to bring their A game if they want to stay alive in this highly competitive theater of war.

Battlefield 3: Close Quarters will be available on PC, PlayStation®3, and Xbox 360™ June 2012. Head to the Battlefield Blog for details on our other upcoming expansion packs Battlefield 3™: Armored Kill and Battlefield 3™: End Game.

Return to this page on March 13th for more information.

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