BF4 FPS verbetering

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[DR] M@ck [NL]
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BF4 FPS verbetering

Post by [DR] M@ck [NL] »

[DR] M@ck [NL]
Clanleader of Desert Rabbits

[DR] M@ck [NL]
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Re: BF4 FPS verbetering

Post by [DR] M@ck [NL] »

Unpark-CPU het programma
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[DR] M@ck [NL]
Clanleader of Desert Rabbits

[DR] Dash64 [NL]
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Re: BF4 FPS verbetering

Post by [DR] Dash64 [NL] »

Ik denk ik zet ook maar iets erbij:

Ik hoorde iets van joystick keybindings problemen.
Mischien zit hier de oplossing bij fixes. ... /downloads

Voor graphics en fps is de tab Console het belangrijkste:

DX Deferred CS PAth
Shadowmap res.

Probeer ze gewoon eens uit.
Save settings en Reload.
Niet goed : klik Profiles Default en Save en Reload
Verwijder user.cfg uit bf folder

Deze maakt een user.cfg aan in je bf4 folder (net zoals in bf3).
Je kunt ook nog invoegen in de user.cfg:
RenderDevice.ForceRenderAheadLimit 1
(staat ook in nvidea panel-maar niet 0 optie)9

Force render (1-4) is a command which tells the game how many frames ahead of the current frame to render, at a max of four frames. This compensates for player/server lag, as it judges where the player will be based on current speed and direction and, in essence, fills in the gaps between each set of player data received.
This slightly reduces the difference between where you see the player and where they actually are, so if they're coming round a corner, you won't die before they even turn up on your screen.

Whether using the command causes lag or not is based on how good your gaming setup is, but it generally does lower fps, if only by 1-2 frames. If you find yourself lagging noticeably with this, it might actually hinder ping lag instead of helping it.

So, always find a server with the lowest ping possible. I find anything over 30 and you start dying unnecessarily.

p.s. this command turns it off

RenderDevice.ForceRenderAheadLimit 0 ... 240371273/

BF4 geluid:

Download Notepad++

Open in documenten/bf4/settings........profsave_profile.
(eerst effe een backup neerzetten)

then find the line with GstAudio.SoundSystemSize 20(may be diff)
and change it to GstAudio.SoundSystemSize 64
or GstAudio.SoundSystemSize 32(if your sound card is cheapo)

this changes the amount of audio channels BF4 can use, 20 is really really low, which means in big audio situations with alot going on, the sounds get cut off.

[DR] Meathead [NL]
Posts: 262
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Re: BF4 FPS verbetering

Post by [DR] Meathead [NL] »

Heeft niks met FPS te maken, maar een tutorial hoe je het irritante 'leunen' kunt uitzetten.

IK vind het een stuk prettiger zo

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