"My stats won't update!!" This is probably one of the most commonly addressed problems on this forum, especially during the weekend. So, in an effort to keep our forums a little cleaner, I'll go ahead and post the answer to this issue in the form of a "sticky" (it will always be at the top of the forum).
There are a couple of reasons your stats may not be updating. I know of 2. If I miss any, maybe Midtower or Violet will inform me, and I'll update this thread. So, without further ado, if you stats do not seem to be updating, it is probably due to one of the following 2 reasons.
1. You are not playing on a ranked server. In order to gain your rankings, badges, medals, or any other stats, you MUST play on a ranked multi-player server. When your game starts, and you click the "Join Internet" tab, make sure the box entitled "Ranked" is checked under the "Filters" section. This will ensure that all the available servers you see on your list are indeed ranked. Playing in the Single Player mode, or on an unranked server, will not add your score to your stats.
2. Stats take longer to update over the weekend. If you are playing in a ranked server over the weekend, it is possible that it will take a few days for your stats (and/or rank) to update. The simple explanation for this is that a ton of people play on the weekends... A lot more than on a week day. The servers can simply become overloaded, and it takes them a while to get through the process of updating everyone's stats and rank. So if you are playing on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, please do not be alarmed if your stats do not show up right away. It can take as long as a couple of days (usually not that long, but it's possible) for your stats to be updated. Please be patient during this process, and your stats will eventually update.
I hope this has been helpful for many of you. Thank you for y our patience, as I know having to wait for your stats to update can be frustrating. But I assure you, you won't lose those points, badges, ribbons, medals, awards, and rank that you've worked hard on all weekend. They will eventually update.
If a lot of time goes by and you are still having trouble with your stats updating, there is nothing anyone in the forums will be able to do for you. You will have to click on the "support" link at the top right hand side of this page and submit a help ticket directly to EA.
Wat op een ander forum stond:
"Just been talking with a rep from EA.
The stats system is currently down, support noticed it this evening and are currently working on the problem but it is possible that it will not be resolved until Monday.
Queued stats may be processed when the system comes back online but people should realise that you will more than likely lose some or possibly all points earned since Thursday the 14th of June."
[url]http: //forums.fevergaming.com/game-communities/battlefield- 2/game/battlefield-2-discussion/126913-update-ea-about-bf2- stats.html[/url]
Weet niet of dit bovenste bullshit of niet, maar als het niet zo is, dan zullen veel mensjes stoppen met BF2 denk ik, omdat ze hun G36e/G3 niet meer hebben