Patch Battlefield 3 arrives today (29 march 2012)

Nieuws over BF3

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Patch Battlefield 3 arrives today (29 march 2012)

Post by [DR] Supernova [NL] »

1. Global Call-Outs

Dipshit medics and support players, you request health/ammo, shoot at them, spam the chat, they don't even notice. Usually it's another teammate, who isn't even in your squad who will end up helping you out and dropping ammo or health. Battlefield 3 players can now skip the middle-man and request items right from the command-rose and the appropriate classes will be alerted via the mini-map on your team.

2. Orders -> Command Rose

You're a BF3 squad leader and there's an enemy next to a flag? Instead of spotting them, you've now assigned your squad to attack said point :(. DICE has acknowledged this minor gameplay breaker and has moved orders to within the command rose. More spotting for Battlefield 3!

3. Better Tracking

The current command rose has been buggy, the mouse will now track from the center of the command rose.

4. Easier Interaction

Hover over a command in the comma-rose and let go, no need to click each command. This will allow for a quicker spot, request, or thank you.

5. Readability

The command rose prior to this new patch was a bit hard for Battlefield 3 players to read, it's now been made a bit easier to understand.
6. The mini-map!!

It's time to do-away with the semi-artsy overview. Maps can now be the original, satellite, or a hybrid, we suggest using the hybrid version for all Battlefield 3 maps.

7. Honkkk

The jeeps, they have horns!

8. Insta-flares for all players in jets

Yes, we're all aware that jets have now been ruled somewhat useless by the new patch, but the jets are still a bit easier to get the hang of for new Battlefield 3 players.

9. Transport helicopter pilots now get a higher paycheck

Are you one of those pilots who flies a group of dedicated gunners around and only get a few points? Instead of ten points for an assist, you'll be making 50 points per assisted kill as a helicopter pilot in Battlefield 3.

10. SOFLAM also generates XP and points

As targets enter into the SOFLAM's view, the SOFLAM will paint them, continuously giving recon players points.

11. Bring on the Suppression Ribbons!

One of the most difficult ribbons to get in Battlefield 3 is the suppression ribbon. 7 suppression assists in a round, this has been lowered to a more reasonable 3 suppression assists per round.

12. Pay-2-Cheat

Players can now unlock all items for vehicles, kits, and various other weapons just by paying EA. There's also an Ultimate Bundle which allows you to unlock everything!

(In English for Twitter visitors)

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Re: Patch Battlefield 3 arrives today (29 march 2012)

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En voor gestoorde: Ook wil DICE de luchtvoertuigen meer stimuleren, iedere speler krijgt nu de beschikking over IR-flares wat je de mogelijkheid zou moeten geven om langer in de lucht te blijven. Helikopter piloten die goed zijn krijgen vanaf nu ook meer waardering: voor iedere kill assist uit jouw helikopter krijg je nu 50 exp punten in plaats van 10.

[DR] SubZer0 [NL]
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Re: Patch Battlefield 3 arrives today (29 march 2012)

Post by [DR] SubZer0 [NL] »

[DR] Supernova [NL] wrote:7. Honkkk

The jeeps, they have horns!
Wooohoooo !!!! Eindelijk lamen met car horns :mrgreens:

#12 is dan weer ***

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Re: Patch Battlefield 3 arrives today (29 march 2012)

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wat is dit toch een *** spel geworden na de patch

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Re: Patch Battlefield 3 arrives today (29 march 2012)

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Vind zelf alleen dat de tank sneller kapuut gaat en minder snel gerepaired kan worden minder.

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Re: Patch Battlefield 3 arrives today (29 march 2012)

Post by [DR] Dash64 [NL] »

Volgens mij hebben ze de machineguns veel meer power gegeven.
Het gaat weer dezelfde kant uit als BF4Free.
De echte gamers gaan langzaam weg, dus focussen ze zich op de kindertjes die houden van al die gadgets en dat ze zich niet teveel moeite hoeven te doen om raak te schieten.
Nee Super dit is geen QQ dit is een feit.
Waarom speel ik het nog?...ik heb niks anders (afentoe Skryrim)

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Re: Patch Battlefield 3 arrives today (29 march 2012)

Post by [DR] Supernova [NL] »

Je hebt mij toch nog :( :(

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Re: Patch Battlefield 3 arrives today (29 march 2012)

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[DR] Supernova [NL] wrote:Je hebt mij toch nog :( :(
ja maar met jou is die ook zo uitgespeeld :lol:

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Re: Patch Battlefield 3 arrives today (29 march 2012)

Post by [DR] Yellowman [NL] »

Wat is battlefield?
''no need to be facetious. Nothing carebear about PvE, most time it takes more tactics than ganking does.'' +1

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Re: Patch Battlefield 3 arrives today (29 march 2012)

Post by [DR] Supernova [NL] »

[DR] Patrick [NL] wrote:
[DR] Supernova [NL] wrote:Je hebt mij toch nog :( :(
ja maar met jou is die ook zo uitgespeeld :lol:
Ga jij maar in de bergen liggen met je soflam 8)

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Re: Patch Battlefield 3 arrives today (29 march 2012)

Post by [DR] Dash64 [NL] »

Bwah mijn kd zuigt wel


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Re: Patch Battlefield 3 arrives today (29 march 2012)

Post by [DR] Supernova [NL] »

Gestoorde: Kills: 21098 / Deaths: 6 861 / K/D Ratio: 3.075
Yellowman: K/D Ratio: 2.245
Jij: Kills: 24 079 / Deaths: 13 828 / K/D Ratio: 1.741
Hypnotoad: Kills: 8 213 / Deaths: 5 113 / K/D Ratio: 1.606
Moi: Kills: 6 230 / Deaths: 4 194 / K/D Ratio: 1.485
Patriiiek: Kills: 3 009 / Deaths: 2 695 / K/D Ratio: 1.117
Veteraan: Kills: 730 / Deaths: 1 640 / K/D Ratio: 0.445

BTW veteraan, meeste kills met tube :cry: :cry:

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Re: Patch Battlefield 3 arrives today (29 march 2012)

Post by [DR] Dash64 [NL] »

Bah veteraan :lol:

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Re: Patch Battlefield 3 arrives today (29 march 2012)

Post by [DR] iceDFire [NL] »

Die gestoorde zit gewoon teveel in voertuigen! Ik probeer de laatste tijd BF3 steeds weer eens op te starten, maar geen tijd!

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