BETA Suggestions on EA Forum


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[DR] M@ck [NL]
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BETA Suggestions on EA Forum

Post by [DR] M@ck [NL] »

De verbeterpunten in de beta die worden aangedragen op het forum van EA. Indien je nog punten hebt graag toevoegen op het forum van EA.

Mensen die officeel tester zijn moeten ook meer feedback gaan plaatsen op het daarvoor bestemde forum. Indien we een goed eindproduct willen heeft het geen zin om de punten te vertellen (via TS) maar dan moeten ze worden opgeschreven (Fora) zodat er wat mee kan worden gedaan.

Hier een lijstje van:
EA PC BETA Suggestions
PC Beta Suggestions and Feedback
:idea: A List of issues/suggestions compilated:

-Gun animations and sounds don't match actual gun at all!

-Can be Revived after committing suicide through menu

-Slower rank up speeds, max rank is going to be a joke

-Unable to sprint unless game is restarted

-Able to switch squads while dead

-Crouch toggle

-Friends list doesn't function or is reset

-Minimap Zoom in and out

-Kills and Deaths on the scoreboard!

-Lag whenever someone joins the server

-Avatar feels unresponsive/player controls get stuck

-ALT TAB support (Only works in select screens)

-Ability to switch seats in a vehicle...

-Stats are often not working

-Some players don't gain rank properly and keep gaining score past the max( ex. -673 points to next rank up)

-The Widescreen FOV is wayyyy too small, please make it customizable or much wider.

-Server browser needs to have sorting functionality(sort by ping, etc)

-Iron sight Toggle and Iron sight hold support

-The hud minimap has no compass

-Default on foot is set to joystick and mouse causing some confusion

-Death Chat

-Remove auto-aim from the knife animation

-Increase the weight of the chopper, it flys like a tin can, and takeoff is much too fast

-Recoil values are actually very good

-Some feel damage is too low in normal mode, some like it

-Add More information to score board, Ping is a necessity on the PC!!!

-FPS!!! Please add FPS viewing

-Developer Console would be greatly appreciated

-first person Record functionality

-Personal weapon/vehicle sounds seem quieter than rest

-Updating stats is bugged when a new friend request is present

-G9 is not fully supported

-Strafe Run would be much appreciated

-"Connection to Gameserver has been lost" even in the DMZ after new update

-Kicked immediately after joining a server

-Apache pilot can be killed out of chopper by 40mm grendade

-Health Bar Added Please

-Rubber banding on most servers

-Dust hit registration effect is occuring *shot registers clientside only*

-Darker font in the news ticker

-C4 is not sticking properly

-Sound is more powerful on the left side of speaker(s)

-Auto login feature would be appreciated

-Rocket Animation bug when switching weapons after firing

-Game often launches in window mode instead of full screen

-Direct X level setting

-Minimap transparency slider would be appreciated

-Seperate sensitivity settings for each control section

-Reports of White Screen menus, and Blue screens

-Play Now is causing network error

-Steam community isn't functional while in game

-Duplicate GUID errors for some who purchased the game

-Some people would like to use delete as a bind instead of a bind delete function

-Water reflection issues on select ATI cards

-Rate of Fire switch is being requested

-Scroll wheel weapon selection doesn't work properly(ex. can't keep scrolling down to get to the top again)

-Several Joysticks aren't supported properly

-Lack of voice indicator when using default push to talk key

-Ability to skip intro videos

-Negative mouse acceleration/Mouse unresponsive

-Prone is being requested

-Ability to stop refreshing by pressing escape/not refresh

-Sniper scope becomes blurred

-Clicking/Aiming on the edges of the screen can cause CTD
(could be related to new feature in windows called Peek at desktop)

-Voip Test (see how you sound before going in game)

-Ability to exit the game without joining the next round

-Players are experiencing false revival messages

-Pistols are very accurate in hip fire.

-Shift + W + Pressing TAB for scoreboard causes minimize

-Exiting a mounted weapon will often lock player in knife animation for a short time

-Binds to the Enter Key cause the menu to come up also

-Cooldown/reload bar for mounted weapons/mortars

-'Q' squad command does not function

-Server Settings displayed before joining(ex. FF ON/OFF)

-Squad invite feature would be appreciated

-Can't chat during round won/loss video

-Shotgun halalalala registration issues

-UAV and Helicopter Controls have opposing inverted controls.

-Entire teams are going recon

-Kit selections aren't saving from round to round or server to server

- will add more in future

Last edited by Tephra; Today at 09:58 AM..

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[DR] 0plank0 [NL]
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Re: BETA Suggestions on EA Forum

Post by [DR] 0plank0 [NL] »

ik heb al bepaalde dingen op het forum gepost.
er bestond al topic over de wapens.. en idd de controls wat eigenlijk zo uit de consoles is gekopieerd.
en ook over damage, en ik heb nog even wat geschreven ook over de health indicator. en dat chopper bestuuren wel zwaar zuigt... en dat het lijkt alsof je soms tegen opstakels botst terwijl ze er niet zijn als je land of net opstijgt en je iets stuurt


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